That Song in My Playlist

Has a song ever made your heart squeeze with emotion and feel your eyes mist over? Does a particular song always make you smile with a tinge of regret? Do those opening bars of a song remind you of someone? Do you have a song that is “your song”, perhaps defining you or a shared memory with someone?

Recently I have had multiple instances when friends shared their favourite songs with me. I have never been too experimental with my taste in music, preferring to stick with that what’s familiar and comforting. Songs have helped me calm down – from heartbreaks, from anger, from anxiety. And so, the familiar comforts.

But late at night, when everything around me is silent and a friend’s heart is breaking, I help him out by giving his playlist a listen. I figure it will distract him, for we can strike up a conversation about our favourite lines from each song and the emotion it evokes. But what I am not prepared for, are the overwhelming reactions certain songs arouse in me.

I listen to the soft tunes, the heart-wrenching lyrics, the soft sighs that escape my own lips. I haven’t been there but I feel the singer. I feel the lyricist and the emotions he or she has gone through. I remember times from my own life when it felt exactly like that. And I think of how all that I felt could that simply be summed up in a few powerful words.

My playlist now has been updated, to reflect these new songs I opened my ears and heart to. My familiar has expanded its boundaries to define new comforts. My friend recovers from his heartbreak while I deal with my own, purely invoked by those few raw words, from that song in my playlist!

P.S : Here is a link to “that” song :

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